Where To Buy Usgs Maps
US Topo Quad Maps, Classic USGS 7.5' Quads, MyTopo Explorer Series of curated maps, GMU hunting unit maps, Backpacker hiking maps, Historic USGS Topos and even some Canadian maps can be easily ordered; then MyTopo prints and ships them within 24 hours.Need basic Custom Map (such as a classic or hill-shaded USGS-style topo map, aerial photo, a Canadian topo, a 1:50,000 MGRS map, a series of juxtaposed maps, or a laminated map?) click Find Your Map, search for a location, answer some basic questions, and your custom map will be ready to be shipped quickly to your door!Want something more specialized (such as a large banner-sized map, a hybrid topophoto, high resolution satellite imagery, or a map with Private or Public Land Boundaries on it, etc.) or a previously ordered map? Please call us at 877-587-9004 or schedule an appointment.
where to buy usgs maps
These next-generation USGS quad sheets contain contour data, water features, and other items you are used to seeing on USGS maps, but also has updated roads and other features. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks.
These pre-2009, 1:24,000 scale, 7.5 minute maps are the standard for topographic mapping in the US. Widely considered the most detailed maps available, they are the foundation for topographic maps in the US.
MyTopo hunt area maps provide the Western US public land hunter with 1:100,000 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) base maps with Game Management Unit (GMU) boundaries as an overlay and each unit centered on its own pre-made map.
MyTopo offers quick and easy order for stock maps, including every USGS 7.5 minute US Topo and Classic map, Explorer Series maps of popular areas, Game Management Unit Maps for 8 western states, Historic maps, and Backpacker Pro hiking maps.
Upon special request, MyTopo can overlay private land boundaries to provide landowner names and parcel boundaries on its topos or satellite maps. In addition to private land data, customers can add public land boundaries, US Forest Service Roads and Trails, lake bathymetric contours, and GMU boundaries. Other special options include additonal scales, map types, and poster size paper selections.
MyTopo maintains a database of the most up-to-date topographic maps available for the US and Canada. Maps can be ordered by the traditional US quad sheet or customer centered.Want to make your own topo map masterpiece? Use Terrain Navigator Pro.
Upon request, MyTopo can provide a unique map that is a blend of an aerial base map with a topo map overlaid to show recent changes to the landscape combined with the contours and symbology valued in topographic maps.And MyTopo can also produce beautiful hi-resolution satellite image maps across the US and Canada.
Overlay public land boundaries on custom topographic, aerial or satellite maps. Know whether you are on Bureau of Land Management property, US Forest Service Land, within a National Park, on a Reservation, state land or private property. MyTopo offers the ability to overlay public land boundaries on all of its base map types.
Create your own custom topographic map anywhere across Canada! We've already mapped the most popular areas in our Explorer Series, or Find Your Map to create your own.Satellite image maps are also available in Canada! Schedule a map-making session to make yours.
Javascript must be enabled to view our earthquake maps. To access USGS earthquake information without using javascript, use our Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Day ATOM Feed or our other earthquake feeds.
These are general-use maps that present elevation (contour lines), hydrography, geographic place names, and points of interests like hospitals, schools, and fire stations. Current-generation topographic maps are available as well as historic maps from 1884-on.
In addition to locations in the United States, we can also create custom topographic maps for areas internationally. The features, scale, and pricing vary depending on which data set is available for your area.
Discover a small sample of the millions of maps produced by the U.S. Geological Survey(USGS) in its mission to map the Nation and survey its resources. This booklet gives a briefoverview of the types of maps sold and distributed by the USGS through its Earth ScienceInformation Centers (ESIC) and also available from business partners located in most States. TheUSGS provides a wide variety of maps, from topographic maps showing the geographic reliefand thematic maps displaying the geology and water resources of the United States, to specialstudies of the moon and planets.
Most USGS topographic maps use brown contours to show the shape and elevation of the terrain.Contour intervals vary, depending mainly on the type of terrain and the scale of the map. (Scaleis the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the ground.)
The maps show and name prominent natural and cultural features. Those at scales of 1:24,000 (1inch = 2,000 feet) show an area in detail. Such detail is useful for engineering, local areaplanning, and recreational purposes.
The best known USGS maps are those of the 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale quadrangle series. Ascale of 1:25,000 is used for maps based on metric units (1 centimeter = 0.25 kilometer). Thearea portrayed on each sheet ranges from 64 square miles at latitude 30 degrees north to 49square miles at latitude 49 degrees north.
A scale of 1:24,000 allows considerable detail to be shown in the quadrangle areas. It takes about57,000 maps to cover the conterminous 48 States, Hawaii, and territories. All of these maps arenow for sale to the public. (For Alaska, 7.5-minute maps at 1:24,000 and 1:25,000 scale areavailable for areas around Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Prudhoe Bay.)
The features shown on 15-minute maps are generally the same as those shown on 7.5-minutemaps, except that some may be generalized or omitted because of the smaller scale andconsequent space restrictions. The sheet size is about 18 x 22 inches north of latitude 62 degreesand 17 x 27 inches south of that latitude.
Virtually all of the conterminous United States and Hawaii are covered by 30- x 60-minutequadrangle maps at a scale of 1:100,000. Most of these maps are derived from 1:24,000-scalemaps, but they show distances and contour intervals in meters. Contours are at intervals of 5, 10,20, or 50 meters, depending on terrain relief. (Also see County Maps.)
Some 1:100,000-scale quadrangle maps are published in planimetric editions, without contours,Bureau of Land Management editions showing Surface Management Status and SurfaceMinerals Management Status are also available, primarily in the western States.
1:50,000. County maps at this scale correspond closely in content to the 1:24,000-scalequadrangle maps. However, some county maps have contours in meters; these maps are alsoderived from the 1:24,000-scale maps.
This series serves as base maps for aeronautical charts and geologic maps, for geographicreference, and in planning regional land use, transportation, and utility systems. Elevation data,derived from the contours on these maps, are available from any ESIC.
Conterminous United States. Quadrangles are 1 degree of latitude by 2 degrees oflongitude. Along the coasts dimensions are modified to fit some maps. The series consists of489 sheets. Ground area shown varies with latitude, from 8,218 square miles at 30 degrees northto 6,222 square miles at 49 degrees north. Sheet size is about 32 x 22 inches. About 8 percent ofthese sheets have been replaced by folded metric maps, about 36 x 22 inches in size.
Alaska 1:250,000-scale series. Quadrangles, ground areas, and sheet size match those inthe reconnaissance series, but the source data are more accurate. Hypsographic (terrain relief)information is more generalized than on larger scale maps. Because the contour interval is 50,100, 200, or 500 feet, many small relief features are not shown on this series.
The State maps in this series are usually published in three separate editions: (1) base map, (2)highway and contour map (topographic edition), and (3) shaded-relief map. Most are at a scale of1:500,000, but a few have been released at 1:1,000,000 or other scales.
Most maps in the series show one State per sheet, but some show more than one State --NewHampshire and Vermont; Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Delaware andMaryland. (There is also a separate sheet for Connecticut at 1:125,000 scale.)
Each of these topographic maps, some of them with shaded relief, feature a national park,national monument, or other National Park System unit. Themaps are much like the standard quadrangle maps of the same scale, but they highlightrecreational features.
The USGS publishes shaded-relief editions of certain topographic maps to accentuatephysiographic features of special interest and for some State, Antarctic, and national park maps.These maps use shaded relief, as well as contour lines, to represent the shape of the terrain.
The pictorial effect of such maps is emphasized by relief shading--a halftone overprint thatsimulates the appearance of sunlight and shadows on the terrain and creates the illusion ofthree-dimensional topography.
Because coastal zones include both land and water, maps of such areas include both topographicand bathymetric data. In order to produce these coastal maps, the National Ocean Serviceprovided bathymetric data to be added to USGS topographic maps. The combined map serves theneeds of oceanographers, marine geologists, land use planners, physical scientists,conservationists, and others having an interest in management of the coastal zone, the wetlands,and the offshore environment. Topographic-bathymetric maps at a scale of 1:24,000 are popularwith people who enjoy fishing. Topographic-bathymetric maps are also available at 1:100,000and 1:250,000 scale. 041b061a72