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DataGrab has a very easy to use interface. It can import and export data from spreadsheets and databases. It has a comprehensive list of available procedures that cover almost any statistical need you can think of. The price is fair, but you can download a free trial version to get a feel for the program.
NCSS provides many benefits for the statistician, such as:
Correct implementation of the SAS Statistical Language.
A library of SAS macros and functions that let you carry out tasks quickly and easily.
Availability of the SAS/STAT and SAS/IML user interfaces through the NCSS Library.
A SAS/IML module that lets you create SAS/IML programs.
A SAS/IML module that lets you create SAS/IML programs.
Ready-to-use SAS/IML programs that you can find in NCSS. These programs are ready to use, and they are based on the best SAS/IML techniques.
Time saving and accuracy saving SAS/IML programs that you can find in NCSS.
User-defined functions that you can find in NCSS.
The NCSS Chapbook and the NCSS Library are available for download and viewing.
Detailed documentation on the SAS/IML, SAS/STAT, and SAS/Workshop interfaces is available in NCSS.
Training and consulting services.
A convenient, secure, and reliable product.
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