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Easton Rivera

The Benefits of Reading Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle in Epub Format

Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics Epub Download

If you are interested in philosophy, ethics, or human happiness, you might want to read one of the most influential works ever written on these topics: Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle. In this article, you will learn what Nicomachean Ethics is, why you should read it, how to read it, and where to find it in epub format. Epub is a popular and convenient format for digital books that allows you to read them on various devices. By downloading Nicomachean Ethics in epub format, you will be able to enjoy this classic work anytime and anywhere.

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What is Nicomachean Ethics?

Nicomachean Ethics is a collection of ten books written by Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers of all time. The title comes from the name of Aristotle's son, Nicomachus, who may have edited or arranged his father's lectures into this form. The main theme of Nicomachean Ethics is eudaimonia, which is often translated as happiness or human flourishing. Aristotle argues that eudaimonia is the ultimate goal of human life and that it consists in living according to virtue and reason. He also explores various aspects of human behavior, such as friendship, justice, courage, temperance, generosity, magnanimity, pride, anger, pleasure, and pain.

Why read Nicomachean Ethics?

Nicomachean Ethics is not only a historical masterpiece but also a relevant and practical guide for anyone who wants to live a good life. Aristotle's insights into human nature and morality are still applicable today and can help us understand ourselves and others better. Reading Nicomachean Ethics can also challenge us to reflect on our own values and goals and to improve our character and habits. Moreover, reading Nicomachean Ethics can enrich our cultural and intellectual background, as it has influenced many other thinkers and fields of study, such as psychology, politics, law, religion, art, and literature.

How to read Nicomachean Ethics?

Reading Nicomachean Ethics can be rewarding but also demanding, as it requires some familiarity with Aristotle's terminology and style. Here are some tips on how to read Nicomachean Ethics effectively:

  • Choose a good translation. There are many translations of Nicomachean Ethics available, but some are more accurate, readable, and annotated than others. Some of the recommended translations are by Terence Irwin, Roger Crisp, and Sarah Broadie.

  • Read the introduction and notes. Most editions of Nicomachean Ethics have an introduction and notes that explain the historical and philosophical context, the main arguments, and the key terms and concepts. Reading these can help you understand the text better and avoid confusion.

  • Read slowly and carefully. Nicomachean Ethics is not a book that you can skim or speed-read. It is dense and complex, and it requires your full attention and concentration. Read each sentence and paragraph carefully and try to grasp the main idea and the logical structure.

  • Read actively and critically. Nicomachean Ethics is not a book that you can passively accept or reject. It is a book that invites you to engage with it and to question it. Read actively and critically, and try to relate the text to your own experience and opinions. Ask yourself questions such as: What is Aristotle trying to say? Do I agree or disagree with him? Why or why not? How does this apply to my life?

  • Read with others. Nicomachean Ethics is not a book that you can read alone. It is a book that benefits from discussion and dialogue with others. Read with others who are interested in philosophy and ethics, and share your thoughts and questions with them. You can also join online forums or book clubs that focus on Nicomachean Ethics.

What is an epub format?

Epub is a short term for electronic publication, which is a standard format for digital books. Epub files have the extension .epub and can contain text, images, audio, video, and interactive elements. Epub files are designed to be flexible and adaptable to different devices, such as e-readers, tablets, smartphones, and computers. Epub files can also be customized by the user according to their preferences, such as font size, color, layout, and orientation.

How to download an epub file?

Downloading an epub file is easy and fast, as long as you have a reliable internet connection and a compatible device. Here are the basic steps on how to download an epub file from various sources:

  • Find a website or platform that offers the epub file you want. There are many websites and platforms that provide epub files for free or for a fee, such as Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, Open Library, Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, etc.

  • Select the epub file you want and click on the download button or link. Depending on the website or platform, you may need to create an account, sign in, or pay before you can download the epub file.

  • Choose a location on your device where you want to save the epub file. You can also rename the epub file if you want.

  • Wait for the download to finish. The download time may vary depending on the size of the epub file and the speed of your internet connection.

  • Check if the epub file has been successfully downloaded and saved on your device.

How to open and read an epub file?

To open and read an epub file, you need an app or software that can support the epub format. There are many apps and software that can do this for different devices, such as e-readers, tablets, smartphones, and computers. Some of the best apps and software for reading epub files are:

  • Calibre: A free and open-source software that can manage, convert, edit, and read epub files on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android devices.

  • iBooks: A free app that can read epub files on iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) and Mac computers.

  • Adobe Digital Editions: A free software that can read epub files on Windows and Mac computers.

Where to find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format?

Now that you know what Nicomachean Ethics is and how to read it in epub format, you might be wondering where to find it. There are many websites and platforms that offer Nicomachean Ethics in epub format, but not all of them are equally reliable, convenient, and affordable. To help you choose the best option for you, we will compare some of the most popular and reputable sources that provide Nicomachean Ethics in epub format.

Free sources

If you are looking for a free and legal way to download Nicomachean Ethics in epub format, you can try one of these sources:

  • Project Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, such as books, poems, and essays. It has over 60,000 free ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format here:

  • Internet Archive: Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, music, websites, and more. It has over 20 million ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format here:

  • Open Library: Open Library is a project of the Internet Archive that aims to create a web page for every book ever published. It has over 3 million ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format here:

Pros and cons of free sources

Here is a table that summarizes the pros and cons of using free sources for downloading Nicomachean Ethics in epub format:

Pros Cons --- --- No cost Limited selection No registration or sign-in required Variable quality and accuracy No DRM (digital rights management) restrictions Possible copyright issues Supports public domain and open access initiatives May not have the latest editions or translations Paid sources

If you are willing to pay a small fee to download Nicomachean Ethics in epub format, you can try one of these sources:

  • Amazon Kindle: Amazon Kindle is the largest and most popular online retailer of ebooks. It has over 6 million ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format here:

  • Google Play Books: Google Play Books is a digital bookstore and ebook reader app by Google. It has over 5 million ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format here:

  • Barnes & Noble Nook: Barnes & Noble Nook is an online bookstore and ebook reader app by Barnes & Noble. It has over 4 million ebooks in various formats, including epub. You can find Nicomachean Ethics in epub format here:

Pros and cons of paid sources

Here is a table that summarizes the pros and cons of using paid sources for downloading Nicomachean Ethics in epub format:

Pros Cons --- --- Large and diverse selection Requires payment High quality and accuracy Requires registration or sign-in Has the latest editions and translations May have DRM (digital rights management) restrictions Supports authors and publishers May not support public domain and open access initiatives Conclusion

In conclusion, Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle is a classic work of philosophy and ethics that can enrich your mind and life. You can read it in epub format, which is a flexible and convenient format for digital books. You can download Nicomachean Ethics in epub format from various sources, both free and paid, depending on your preferences and budget. We hope this article has helped you learn more about Nicomachean Ethics and how to find it in epub format. Happy reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to the topic of this article:

  • What are the main virtues that Aristotle discusses in Nicomachean Ethics?Aristotle discusses eleven moral virtues in Nicomachean Ethics, which are: courage, temperance, liberality, magnificence, magnanimity, proper ambition, patience, truthfulness, wittiness, friendliness, and modesty. He also discusses five intellectual virtues, which are: wisdom, understanding, prudence, art, and science.

  • What is the difference between epub and pdf formats?Epub and pdf are two common formats for digital books, but they have some differences. Epub is a format that adapts to the size and shape of the device and allows the user to customize the appearance of the text. Pdf is a format that preserves the layout and design of the original document and does not allow the user to change the appearance of the text.

  • What are some other works by Aristotle that are worth reading?Aristotle wrote many works on various topics, such as logic, metaphysics, physics, biology, psychology, politics, rhetoric, and poetics. Some of his other famous works are: Metaphysics, Physics, De Anima, Politics, Rhetoric, and Poetics.

  • What are some other sources of philosophy and ethics ebooks in epub format?Some other sources of philosophy and ethics ebooks in epub format are: Feedbooks (, ManyBooks (, and (

  • What are some other ways to learn about philosophy and ethics besides reading books?Some other ways to learn about philosophy and ethics besides reading books are: watching videos or podcasts (such as The School of Life ( or Philosophy Tube (, taking online courses or MOOCs (such as Coursera ( or edX (, or joining online communities or forums (such as Reddit ( or Quora (



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